Inteknix - Microsoft Power Platform and sharepoint consultancy

Color code List items in SharePoint 2013 or Office 365 – Display Form

This is the second part of the blog series which shows how to color code list items in SharePoint 2013 List Display form. Please read the Part 1 of the series for color coding the list view, this blog post is related to color coding a field in display form.

In this example, we will look at color coding a field in SharePoint List’s Display Form using CSR (Client-Side Rendering) or JS Link. For power end users, this is extremely helpful as it doesn’t require writing C# code or deploy any farm solutions etc.

End Result

We are going to use simple conditions to color code the list items.

End result will be:

SharePoint list color coding

Steps to color code SharePoint list item

In this example, we are using “Current Credit Score” field which is of “Single line of text” type to color code SharePoint list item in SharePoint

Microsoft Power apps and sharepoint consultancy
Microsoft Power apps and sharepoint consultancy


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